If you relate to any of the following, you will most certainly understand the strong relationship between work and back pain:

  • You have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, hunched over a desk or computer.
  • You’re a tradie, so bending over and lifting all day everyday is part of the job.
  • You are a doctor, dentist or health professional who spends all day bending or in awkward positions to serve your clients.
  • You’re a student who spends hours hunched over your books and a laptop so you can study for your degree.
  • You are a tattooist, so sitting in a chair and bending over for hours is part and parcel with creating your craft.

Regardless of your occupation, the majority of today’s jobs require bending, climbing, carrying, twisting, turning and suffering back and neck pain in silence. Not to mention office jobs where sitting for extended periods of time plays havoc on the back and neck.

Correct lifting techniques and ergonomic office equipment aren’t even tickets to a pain-free life, with constant physical labour and stationary jobs both common precursors for ongoing back, neck, knee and shoulder pain.

A Real Pain In The Back!

The worst part? Back and neck pain has a profound effect on your lifestyle, and your ability to work. It is in fact, the number one reason for absenteeism from work, with approximately 80 percent of Australians visiting their GP each year to manage this pain.

But, There’s A Silver Lining

So what’s the good news? You don’t need to quit your job to get relief! Freedom from back pain is possible without necessarily needing medication (or a career change), and the research is there to prove it.

Research has repeatedly proven that movement along with adequate nutrition and sleep is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it improve the way we look and feel, it also improves our function, movement, strength, flexibility and agility. Plus, looking and feeling good directly impacts and improves our daily lifestyle too.

How Does OMC Help Overcome Pain and Injury?

At the OMC we understand that pain has a huge, debilitating impact on many lives around Australia, and even the world! This is why we’ve dedicated our time and resources to creating programs that effectively manage and in some cases eliminate pain and reinjury.

Our approach to overcoming pain and injury involves coupling our state-of-the-art MedX machines with knowledgeable trainers and functional fitness programs, so that we can help you isolate, address and overcome these issues.

Our goal is to help you achieve a lifestyle where you can live, work and play with optimum health. Our programs are geared towards maintaining a strong core whilst activating and stabilising the correct muscle groups, so that pain and discomfort can be a thing of the past*.

At OMC we understand that no two bodies are the same, and that we all have different needs and requirements. Our daily factors and unique bodies require a unique training program. Combining our MedX equipment with functional exercises, strength and conditioning, as well as rehabilitation and injury prevention training, we are able to tailor a unique program that ensures you gain the most from your training so you can go on to live a pain free* life.

The MedX Difference

MedX equipment is not like normal pieces of equipment you’d find in traditional gyms. They’ve been scientifically designed and use proven technology that incorporates years and millions of dollars of medically based, independent and university based research. 

This equipment is designed to increase strength, endurance and range of motion. We have linked 75 clinically published research medical journal articles below that confirm that MedX's proprietary technology can materially decrease chronic spine-related pain issues, restore spinal function, reduce or eliminate the need for ongoing care, and improve patients’ quality of life. We think that’s pretty exciting news!

Clinical Published Research – 75 Reasons to Believe

Our programs incorporate MedX equipment along with functional exercises to build strength, increase power, mobility, flexibility, agility, endurance, reduce pain and prevent further injury. We combine our unique program with functional exercises that follow the body’s natural movement. This helps restore your body’s movements to sustain you throughout your day, whilst improving your healthy and physicality.

Let Us Help You Overcome Pain And Injury

If you would like more information on living a pain free lifestyle we would love the opportunity to meet you. Whether it’s for pain management and rehabilitation, maintenance of a healthy and active body, or to assist with athletic endeavours, our professional trainers will create a tailored program to suit your specific needs.

Don’t just take our word for it, try it for yourself today. Your first session is FREE!
Contact us for your complimentary session today by filling in the form at the bottom of this page.


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